
Netflix-redesign – Redefining the Movie Streaming Experience


Welcome to my Netflix-redesign website, where the movie streaming experience takes on a fresh and modern look.

Home Page Preview

My Process

I have meticulously crafted this website according to the provided requirements, ensuring a seamless and visually appealing user interface.

Future Process

In the future, I plan to implement a search functionality using the redux architecture, elevating the website’s dynamic capabilities and showcasing advanced UI interactions.

Built With

  • react, react-dom
  • react-query
  • react-icons
  • react-router-dom
  • redux, react-redux, redux-toolkit
  • tailwindCSS
  • tailwind-scrollbar
  • tailwind-scrollbar-hide
  • tailwindcss-textshadow
  • animate-on-scroll-(AOS)


Users can:

  • Enjoy a beautiful, animated, and responsive home page
  • Explore dynamic data for movies
  • Navigate to the ‘All Movies’ page by clicking on movies in the top navbar
  • Experience pagination and filtering by year on the ‘All Movies’ page
  • Click on movie thumbnails to view detailed information on a dedicated details page
About author


Kamrul Saad is a professional web developer with a passion for the MERN stack and WordPress. With over 2 years of experience, he crafts seamless digital experiences that blend creativity and functionality. Beyond coding, he explores the realms of digital marketing, seamlessly integrating strategies to enhance brand visibility.
Kamrul Saad
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