Shikkhar Alo

Shikkhar Alo – A Modern Learning Management System


Embark on a journey of modern education with Shikkhar Alo, a cutting-edge full-stack web application built on Nextjs 13.5.5 and TypeScript. This platform boasts seamless Clerk authentication and secure Stripe payment processing, ensuring a user-friendly and secure learning experience.

  • Live Site: Explore the live website.
  • Github Repo: Dive into the GitHub repository for this project.

Demo Credentials

  • Admin:
    • Username:
    • Password: SAadmin123



Users can:

  • Login/Register using Clerk authentication
  • View all courses
  • Explore the contents of free courses
  • Purchase courses securely through Stripe
  • Track their profile and course progress
  • Apply to become an instructor

Instructors can:

  • Create/Manage their courses
  • Manage chapters and upload videos
  • Choose thumbnails for videos
  • Upload course attachments
  • Manage their profile and view analytics for course purchases

Admins can:

  • Approve/Reject instructor applications
  • Manage all courses

Built With

Future Improvements

While Shikkhar Alo stands as a beacon of modern education, future improvements could include:

  • Enhanced features in the dashboard
  • Additional features in the transaction history page
  • Implementation of user profiles
  • Introduction of user authentication
  • And much more!

About author


Kamrul Saad is a professional web developer with a passion for the MERN stack and WordPress. With over 2 years of experience, he crafts seamless digital experiences that blend creativity and functionality. Beyond coding, he explores the realms of digital marketing, seamlessly integrating strategies to enhance brand visibility.
Kamrul Saad
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