Embark on a journey of modern education with Shikkhar Alo, a cutting-edge full-stack web application built on Nextjs 13.5.5
and TypeScript
. This platform boasts seamless Clerk
authentication and secure Stripe
payment processing, ensuring a user-friendly and secure learning experience.
- Live Site: Explore the live website.
- Github Repo: Dive into the GitHub repository for this project.
Demo Credentials
- Admin:
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:

Users can:
- Login/Register using Clerk authentication
- View all courses
- Explore the contents of free courses
- Purchase courses securely through Stripe
- Track their profile and course progress
- Apply to become an instructor
Instructors can:
- Create/Manage their courses
- Manage chapters and upload videos
- Choose thumbnails for videos
- Upload course attachments
- Manage their profile and view analytics for course purchases
Admins can:
- Approve/Reject instructor applications
- Manage all courses
Built With
- React: JavaScript library
- Next.js 13.4.12: React framework
- TypeScript: JavaScript Superset
- TailwindCSS: CSS framework
- Clerk: Authentication
- Stripe: Payment Processing
- Prisma: Database ORM
- Zod: Data Validation
- React Hook Form: Forms
- UploadThing: File Uploads
- Mux: Video Streaming
- React Table: Tables
- React Confetti: Confetti
- React Quill: Rich Text Editor
- React Icons: Icons
- React Hot Toast: Toasts
- Radix UI: UI Components
- Lucide: Icons
- Eslint: Linter
- Prettier: Code Formatter
- Recharts: Charts
- Axios: HTTP Client
Future Improvements
While Shikkhar Alo stands as a beacon of modern education, future improvements could include:
- Enhanced features in the dashboard
- Additional features in the transaction history page
- Implementation of user profiles
- Introduction of user authentication
- And much more!